
Biofeedback can be used in a variety of complimentary areas listed below and can be helpful in conjunction with other modalities of treatment:
- Almost any physical ailment and disease
- Female hormone balancing, infertility
- Gynaecological problems
- Weight loss
- Detoxification program
- Sports injury
- Learning difficulties and memorization
- Allergies, eczema, skin rashes
- Chronic pain
- Cancer therapy
- Fears, loss, phobias, insomnia, sleep disturbances
- Anxiety and depression
- Release negative effects of past trauma
- Mental, emotional, psychological issues
- Chronic fatigue
- Parasites, fungal, bacterial, viral infections
- Pre-exam stress therapy
- Vitamin balances
- Digestive problems
- Stress, cortisol and adrenal balancing
- Release addictions
- Brainwave patterns and balancing
- Endocrine disturbances
- Release negative thought patterns
Engage in a 1-1 consultation with a qualified and experienced quantum biofeedback practitioner to identify the potential underlying causes behind your health concerns and to learn about ways to address them. Specific advice and resources will allow you to play an active role in improving your overall health and wellbeing.